Saturday, 25 August 2012

Week 24 - Last Week- ORR

We were invited out to lunch on Friday at Gordy and Gail's - friends we have met through Rob and Julie. They live in Omaha and have a beautiful house most of which was built and decorated by Gordy when they bought the plot of land 14 years ago. Although not quite on the beach front there are beautiful views across the estuary and the ocean from the deck which surrounds 3/4 of the house. Most of the neighbouring houses are holiday homes and there is only one other house in their road which is occupied permanently. We had lunch on the deck as it was warm and sunny and afterwards went for a walk on the beach.
On the way back home we picked up Jess and her friend as they got off the school bus and once back home I took Jess and her friend into Matakana to do some shopping. Rob arrived with Danni and Jonny at about 6.30 and we all had dinner together before Rob left to go home.
On Saturday morning I took Jonny over to Rob's before Danni and I went to the stables for the 10am ride. Danni and I were allowed to do the usual ride around the farm on our own which was a real treat. I have been riding Zoe, a 5 year old skewbald mare, and after a lot of slow riding when we had had to escort all the students over the last few weeks she seemed as pleased as I to be able to gallop up a few hills. Back in the paddock we cantered around the ring 4 times and Danni practised her jumping.

It was sad to say goodbye to Roger and Heather and all the others at the stables and Heather did say that if I have the time I can go for a ride again on Monday or Tuesday but I doubt that I shall be able to take her up on her kind offer. Danni and I then went to the shop at Sheep World where I bought a few presents to take back to people at home. Then we met up with Rob and Jonny in Warkworth where I bought Jonny a fishing rod and then we went to New World. Jonny came back with us and we had lunch. Rob came over about 2pm and went over to the house and lit the fire and he and Jonny watched TV. Danni and I went over to the house later on and as Rob was on cooking duties I sat in the reclining chair with a beer and watched some TV. Julie arrived and then Nigel came over and we eventually got around to eating a good roast beef dinner cooked by Rob - apart from the Yorkshire puddings that is which were of course my responsibility. Rob and Julie stayed at the house overnight and we came back over here with Danni and Jonny.
Jonny was up at the crack of dawn as usual but he helps himself to cereal and then uses the laptop until we get up. Everyone eventually surfaced and Julie and Rob went back home. We had torrential rain and thunder at lunchtime but by the time Rob got back - about 2pm- the sun had come out. Rob, Danni, Jonny and I (Nigel opted for a bit of peace and quiet!!) went first to Goat Island and then to Mathesons Bay and had a walk at both places.

Then by special request from Danni and Jonny I treated us all to an ice cream at Charlies just the other side of Matakana. I had promised to make Yorkshire puddings again but realised that I was out of eggs so that was a bit of a disappointment. Rob stayed overnight again.
The plan had been that Rob would take the children back home in time to go to school but as it was their last time with us we decided that they could have the day off school and that I would go back down with them. We went to the food court in the Albany Mall for lunch and much to my distress both Danni and Jonny wanted to have a McDonalds. Still as I would soon be saying goodbye to them I  couldn't complain if that was what they wanted.Then it was back to the car and off on the last lap before saying goodbye to them. As soon as we got back to their house Danni started crying and then her mum, Jodi, started so after some very quick farewell hugs I rushed out of the house before I too started to cry..Surprisingly I didn't feel as bad as I had expected to because, I think, that having been here for so long it hasn't yet sunk in that I won't, as usual, be seeing them next weekend.
Next day, Tuesday, was our last day at ORR and was spent packing, cleaning and tidying the house and garage to leave it all as we had found it.  We went over to Rob and Julie's for dinner and Daniel was there too. Then it was time to say yet more goodbyes, to Julie and Daniel this time.When we got back home we stood out on the deck of the barn and looked at the stars and listened to the morepork for the last time.
On Wednesday morning we got ready to leave and I walked over to the patio at the front of the big house and stood looking over the estuary and listening to the tui's for probably the last time. Rob picked us up at 11am and we drove away from the beautiful Omaha River Retreat which had been our home for the last 5 1/2 months. We had lunch at an "English" pub not too far from the airport - good food and amazingly good beer. Then Rob dropped us at the Jet Park Motel not too far from the airport. Another goodbye, probably the hardest as it has been so good to re-establish a firm relationship with him after all these years apart. We spent a relaxing afternoon before having dinner and retiring early to bed as we had a wake up call for
Thursday - day of departure- we caught the 5.30am hotel shuttle to the airport and checked in for our flight to Sydney. Shortly before we boarded I texted Rob to say that we were about to leave and said that I was missing him, he replied saying that he was missing me to and that was the final straw. The tears that I had held back over the last few days spilled out and as we boarded the plane I couldn't stop crying and sniffling. The moment when one steps onto the plane seems so final and there is such a temptation to pull back and refuse to board. Poor Nigel was a hero though and he escorted me to our seats and comforted me as we took off. I was sitting next to the window and watched as we slowly gained height over Manakau harbour and then New Zealand, land of the long white cloud, was soon lost to sight as flew away over the sea towards Sydney.
I hope that everyone who has read this blog over the past few months has enjoyed following our "Great Escape" and I am sure that we shall enjoy reading it in the years to come.
The main reason though for writing this is for my wonderful granchildren, Dannielle and Jonny. I hope that when they are grown up and when I am no longer here  they will read this and remember the time that granny Dee and Nigel came to visit and  were able to spend so much time with them.

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